Eerie full moon glowing orange with silhouettes of trees and bats in a mystical night sky

The full moon has captivated humanity for centuries, lighting up the night sky with its luminous glow and stirring the depths of our imagination. But beyond its beauty, the full moon is believed to hold potent energy, making it an ideal time for spiritual growth, emotional release, and manifestation. Let’s explore some powerful rituals and practices to align yourself with this celestial phenomenon.

1. The Full Moon as a Time for Release

The full moon marks the peak of the lunar cycle, a time of culmination and closure. Use this phase to reflect on what no longer serves you—be it habits, relationships, or limiting beliefs. One popular practice is the Full Moon Release Ritual:

  • Write down what you want to let go of on a piece of paper.
  • Find a safe space, light a candle, and read your list aloud.
  • Safely burn the paper as a symbolic act of release, letting the smoke carry your intentions away.

2. Meditate Under the Moonlight

The moon’s glow is said to heighten intuition and clarity. Meditating under its light can help you connect with your inner self and the universe. Find a quiet spot, preferably outdoors, where you can see the moon. Focus on your breath and visualize the moonlight washing over you, cleansing and energizing your spirit.

3. Charging Your Crystals

Crystals are thought to absorb and amplify energy, and the full moon provides the perfect opportunity to cleanse and recharge them. Simply place your crystals outside or on a windowsill where they can soak up the moonlight overnight. This ritual is especially powerful during a supermoon when the moon appears brighter and closer.

4. Making Moon Water

Moon water is a versatile spiritual tool believed to capture the energy of the full moon. To make it:

  • Fill a clean jar with water.
  • Set an intention (e.g., clarity, abundance, healing) and place the jar under the moonlight.
  • Use your moon water for rituals, to cleanse your space, or even to water your plants, imbuing them with lunar energy.

5. Ritual Baths for Renewal

A full moon bath can be a deeply soothing and symbolic experience. Add Epsom salts, essential oils, or herbs like lavender and rosemary to your bathwater. As you soak, visualize the water washing away negativity and filling you with renewed energy. Bonus: use moon water in your bath for an extra boost.

6. Journaling for Clarity

The full moon’s energy is a spotlight on our emotions and desires. Journaling during this time can help you gain clarity and set intentions. Try prompts like:

  • What am I ready to release?
  • What goals have I achieved this lunar cycle?
  • What do I want to manifest moving forward?

7. Gather in a Moon Circle

Sharing the full moon’s energy with others can amplify its effects. Organize or join a moon circle where participants meditate, share intentions, and perform rituals together. These gatherings foster a sense of community and collective empowerment.

The full moon offers a unique opportunity to align with the rhythms of nature and the universe. Whether you’re looking to let go, recharge, or set powerful intentions, these rituals can help you tap into the moon’s magic and make your spiritual journey even more meaningful.

So, when the next full moon graces the sky, take a moment to pause, reflect, and harness its energy to create the change you seek. Let the moon guide you on your path to transformation.

Written by

Kiri Wilds

🌿✨ Green Witch & Founder of WILDS CRAFT and the visionary, I emerged on Samhain, when the veil between realms was thinnest, on October 31st, 2024. It was during this mystical time that the vision of WILDS CRAFT was bestowed upon me. Since then, I have dedicated myself to creating a safe haven for kindred spirits, where the magical, mystical, and creative craftsmanship of witchcraft can flourish.

From a young age, I have been captivated by the enchantment of the craft—the rich history, the profound connection to nature, and the reverence for all living beings. This deep connection has guided me on a lifelong journey of exploration and discovery, leading me to embrace my true self and share my passion with others.

Through WILDS CRAFT, I strive to foster a community where every spirit can find solace, inspiration, and empowerment. It is a sanctuary where differences are celebrated, and where the beauty of nature and fantasy intertwine. Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing our unique paths and weaving them into the tapestry of our collective magic. 🌌🌱✨